// UK Trusted Technology Specialists

eBook: ESG Framework Landscape

Stakeholders are increasingly scrutinizing environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance

—and looking for companies to rise to the challenge of delivering ESG improvements.


With increase government ESG regulations, coupled with increased consumer interest, ESG reporting is a heighten business imperative.

But unlike financial performance reporting, which is governed by clear expectations on format and content, the world of ESG reporting can be fragmented and confusing.

There’s a multitude of frameworks, each with its own requirements and supporting evidence, requiring complex calculations based on data that exists in different areas of your business.

Clearing up the confusion is a click away.

The Guide to ESG Reporting Frameworks is a free downloadable eBook that outlines:

  • The guidelines to assist with ESG reporting
  • The ESG framework landscape
  • Proposed approaches for selecting ESG frameworks
  • Know how the future of ESG reporting is shaping up