Secure Platforms for the Zero Trust
Digital World

Enterprise IT Platform Solutions for your most valuable asset: Your Data

Enhanced Cyber Resiliency
35% Cloud Spend Reduction
75% less Energy Consumption


Many organisations are surprised to uncover an IT “Ticking Timebomb”. Most executives are unaware how unprotected and exposed their infrastructure and data are to disruptions, cyber attacks and cloud-first strategies. Most don’t survive when compromised.

Easy-to-Compromise Data and IP

Your data and IP are too valuable not to be fully secured. See how an easy fix can avoid costly fines, reputational damage and disruption.

Exposure to Disruption

Every organisation has a weak link. Uncover your risks and mitigate your threats before they materially impact you.

Accelerating Cloud Costs

Cloud cost containment is a priority for 2022. Stop the overspending without impacting application performance.

Secure and Evolve your Data and IP with your Enterprise Full Stack Infrastructure Partner

Bring threats and risks under control through a Zero Trust framework. Organisations that can’t afford the compromises and disruptions trust solutions from TES to secure sensitive data and IP, measurably reduce IT spend and simplify operations without sacrificing performance.

Secure Data Storage

Cyber Resilient Hybrid Cloud

Data Governance & Confidential Computing

Insights from Data

Secure DevOps

Secured Database-as-a-Service

Trust TES to Reduce Your IT Spend


Higher Oracle throughout

per year

Eliminated in server spend


Ian Wilson, Managing Director | Fort Vale

“Our working philosophy at Fort Vale is ‘continuous improvement’. In any market, the company that will win business is the one that makes it easiest for you to buy from them.

TES has great IBM expertise, and they are very easy to work with. The team from TES were incredibly responsive, careful and helped us get the perfect solution for our needs.”

TES is an Award Winning Enterprise
Technology Solution Provider

As an IBM Gold Business Partner, we assemble secure-first, high performing IT solutions using the latest technologies from IBM, Open Source software and selected partners.